Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) decoder


The OpenWX project aims to create an open source APT Weatherfax software package.

Screenshots of OpenWX

What happens next?

Your feed back is needed. As it stands, this is GUI release of the original WXtoImg software.
The idea is to closely match that of what is already being used so that people can transition to OpenWX in easier way.
However, it is understood that some parts of the GUI needs updating, removed or is out of date.
Feedback is welcome for GUI this during the development of key components and will be addressed as they're worked on.

Release notes:

- Majority of dialog boxes are now working.
- All known menu options have been added
- Test data curated for screenshots.
- Webpage is up.
- GUI release.
- Works on Haiku


Please note that the OpenWX is not fully functional software.
By using the software you understand that it's an early release and at one's own risk.

OpenWX v0.1 [Windows] - 05/06/2020 [download]
OpenWX v0.1 [Haiku] - 08/12/2020 [download]

Why do we need this?

The parent company of WXtoImg, Central North Publishing Ltd filed for dissolution, and was closed as of 22 December 2016.
The Original WXtoImg website no longer functions and WXtoImg is no longer being updated. Sites like are trying to preserve the original WXtoImg software.
The OpenWX project aims to recreate WXtoImg so that it can be maintained by the community.

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